
The JSON element names are case sensitive. [TransactionId] is not the same as [transactionId].

Also, please note that element names begin with a lower case letter and are in camel case if the name represents more than one word.

The JSON payloads may contain sub-objects. In this case, the name for the elements in the following sections will be “dot notation”. For instance, “payment.accountType” means that there is an “payment” element which is a section/class with an element named “accountType” inside it.



would have JSON:

    “terminalId” : “c041c966-058a-41f3-8f9d-96b376442427”,
    “type” : “sale”,
    “payment” : {
        “accountType” : “Visa”,
        “cardNumber” : “4444333322221***”,
        “expires” : “05.2025”
    “account” : {
        “firstName” : “Bob”,
        “lastName” : “Jones”

The vast majority of elements in the request payloads are UTF-8 Strings. This is done for compatibility requirements with the various languages and environments interfacing with this API. If a JSON element is optional, you do not have to include an empty representation in the request. For example, if zip code is not needed you do not have to include the “holderPostal” key with a null value. Likewise, elements in the response may not be present if they are optional

Data Element Identifiers

Most of the identifiers used by the API are in the form of GUIDs generated by the Pyxis server. These GUIDs take the form of a 36 hexadecimal character string in 4 five sections separated by hyphens. When sending these IDs to the Pyxis APIs, you can either include or not include the hyphens.

Dates and Timestamps

In the Pyxis system, there is the need to store and distribute dates and times. For a date the standard format will be YYYY-MM-DD. A timestamp is an instance in time having both a date and a time. These time stamps have granularity in seconds but consideration must be made for different machine clock initialization when comparing times. The format of these elements is: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss using Y for year, M for month, D for day, h for hour, m for minute, s for second, for example: 2012 09 20 14:32:46.


All amounts in the request and response payloads are in cents. The maximum of an amount is 10 digits with a value of 2147483647 (or $21,474,836.47)


A flag parameter is a boolean indiction true or false. In string form this element can be one of four string values: “Yes”, ”No”, “True”, or “False”.