For the simple pay page implementation, there are basic controls that affect the look and feel or functionality of the pay page. Control over these aspects is granted through the inclusion of elements in the call to the pay page itself.
To call the pay page, you will POST a request just as if it were being called from a web application (i.e. HTML form). In the HTTP request, a POST request is sent to an JFS housed URL for the Pyxis Service Utilities. The content-type of the request will be “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” and the payload will look like any posted form. The payload will be a series of name value pairs (key-value) chained together with ampersands. The whole payload will need to be URL encoded.

Here is a list of the required and possible key elements that can be included:

Request ElementDefinition
PartnerId (required field)Vendor specific identifier assigned by Pyxis
TerminalIdTerminal ID used for communication with Pyxis
PayPageSessionIdThe session id obtained in the call to the pay page initialize API
ResultCallbackURLURL to receive POST from Pyxis Pay Page Service with result of the operation
PayPageTransIdGUID (generated by caller) that will be sent back on call back to identify this call
Orientation“Landscape” or “Portrait”: Orientation of the web page if prompting for billing address
(“Portrait” is 320px, “Landscape” is 640px)
Font-FamilyCSS Font-Family entry for entire page body
Font-SizeCSS Fond-Size entry for entire page body
Background-ColorCSS entry for background for entire page body
Text-ColorCSS Text color for entire page body
TitleTextOptional title text for pay page
TitleText-ColorCSS text color for pay page title
Btn-ColorCSS face color of button
BtnText-ColorCSS text color of button
AcceptBtn-TextText on the OK (accept input) button
CancelBtn-TextText on the Cancel (cancel operation) button
BillingAddressFlagT/F Whether or not to display billing address input block
AllowEFTAccountsFlagT/F Whether or not to work with bank account (EFT) information
PromptForCountryFlagT/F Whether or not address block works for multiple countries
LocalSubmitFlagT/F Whether or not the Submit (OK) and Cancel buttons are present and control submission of the pay page form
RoundedCornersFlagT/F Whether to round the corners of the input fields
SplitHolderNameFlagT/F Whether to prompt for separate first and last account holder name
CCardCvvFlagT/F Whether to prompt for the credit card CVV; please note that collection of CVV is not allowed when tokenizing
CCardZipFlagT/F Whether to prompt for credit card zip code if not prompting for billing address
CreditCardConsentT/F Option to display check for consent to store credit card information (see note)
PageLoadNotificationT/F Option to receive notification when the pay page successfully loads (see message format below)
AcceptedCardList[Optional] List of cards that will appear in the drop down list on the page. The list is delimited by the pipe (|) character and contains abbreviations for the cards you want displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the full list will be presented.

Examples: “VC|MC|DC|AC” (just credit cards)
“VC|VD|MC|MD|DC|DD” (all cards except AMEX)

The abbreviations are:
VC=Visa Credit, VD=Visa Debit, MC=MasterCard Credit, MD=MasterCard Debit, DC=Discover Credit, DD=Discover Debit, and AC=American Express
NotifyOfAlertT/F Option to receive notification when the pay page has alerted the user to an input error. (see message format below)
SaleTotalTotal amount of the sale in cents. This is required for “sale” mode
ShowSaleTotalOption flag in sale mode, designates whether or not to display the sale amount on the page

The defaults for the above values are null if a value field and false for a flag field. Orientation will default to portrait. In the case for CSS fields, most will default to “initial” which inherits from parent page or browser default. The default font is an Arial cascading to Helvetica variant.

For the flag values (labeled with a T/F), you can pass in either “True” or “Yes” (case insensitive) as the parameter value to turn the option on. Since all options are off by default, any other value or null will result in an off condition.

The flag for CreditCardConsent controls whether a check box that grants consent to store credit card information is to be present and participate in processing. If present, submission of credit card information cannot be completed unless this box is checked.