The last step in the pay page interaction, is to query the Pyxis API to retrieve either, the token and other information that was produced as a result in the case of a tokenization session, or the sale transaction session information in the case of a sale.

URL for test:
https://[Pyxis Pay Page host URL]/payPage-results?SessionId=…&TerminalId=…"
HTTP Method: GET
HTTP Headers:
Accept: application/json
HTTP Authorization: Pyxis security token (see API documentation for details)

SessionIdthe session ID GUID obtained when the session was initialized
TerminalIdthe GUID obtained from JFS which identifies the terminal from which the call is originating


    "sessionId": " d40f2362-8301-4f05-821e-911b746797d6",  
    "errorMsg": "",  
    "results": "{ see details below }"  

sessionIdthe session ID GUID obtained when the pay page session was initialized
errorMsgHuman readable message for an error that occurred if any
resultsa map of key value pairs that are the output values of the specific operation (see below)

The “results” element is a serialized map object which produces the following format. Usually, a map object un-marshaller/serializer will turn this back into a map object (in C#, C++ and Java).

Below is an example of what the format looks like:


Tokenization Data Results

For the tokenization session type, there are four keyed values you will want to retrieve from the result data map:

Token the token produced by the operation
Last4the last 4 numbers of the tokenized account number
AcctTypethe type of account: one of the following values: “card”, “eft”
CardExpirationIf a card is tokenized, this is the expiration date that was input
DetailAcctTypeAccount sub type. Card type or bank account type.
Possible values: “Visa”, “MasterCard”, “Discover”, “AMEX”, “DinersClub”,“Checking”, “Savings”,”DebitCard”
GatewayResultCodeAn error code from the backend gateway or processor if provided to Pyxis
GatewayResultMsgA human readable error message from the backend gateway or processor if provided to Pyxis
CardTypeThe type of card used. Possible values: “visa”, “visadebit”, “mastercard”, “mastercarddebit”, “discover”, “discoverdebit”, “amex”

Results Example (tokenization)

    "sessionId": " d40f2362-8301-4f05-821e-911b746797d6",  
    "errorMsg": "",  
    "results": "{DetailAcctType=checking, Last4=5180, AcctType=eft, GatewayResultMsg=Success,  
Token=cf5647e0-0f07-4c18-82ea-6a155f895dc2, GatewayResultCode=0}"  

Sale Mode Data Results

For the sale session type, there are just a few keyed values you will want to retrieve from the result data map:

TransactionIdThe Pyxis transaction Id assigned by the Pyxis system
ExternalTransactionIdThe pass-through, optional call assigned transaction Id
TotalAmountThe total amount of the sale in cents
CurrencyTypeStandardized 4 letter currency abbreviation
ReferenceIdTransaction ID from processing gateway (if available)
GatewayResultCodeAn error code from the backend gateway or processor if provided to Pyxis
GatewayResultMsgA human readable error message from the backend gateway or processor if provided to Pyxis
CardTypeThe type of card used. Possible values: “visa”, “visadebit”, “mastercard”, “mastercarddebit”, “discover”, “discoverdebit”, “amex”

Results Example (sale)

    "sessionId": " d40f2362-8301-4f05-821e-911b746797d6",  
    "errorMsg": "",  
    "results": "{ExternalTransactionId=null, GatewayResultMsg=Success, TotalAmount=2750,  
GatewayResultCode=0, TransactionId=79c18e3f-84b9-4573-9939-4395073aa0c7, CardType=Visa}"  